
Type I

Removal of the clitoral foreskin.

Type II

Removal of the clitoris with partial or total excision of the labia minora.

Type III

Removal of the clitoris, labia minora, and labia majora, with the orificium vaginae sewn up leaving a small opening the size of a kernel of corn or tip of a matchstick  to allow for urine and menstrual blood to flow through.

Type IV

Pricking or piercing the clitoris or vulva and scraping the vagina.


With or without removing the clitoris, cutting and repositioning the inner and outer labia, then sewing them back together leaving the small opening. 

Reasons For Genital Mutilation

  • Symbol of femininity and beauty
  • Encourages male domination over women in a patriarchal society
  • Method of birth control prior to marriage
  • Guarantee of moral behavior and faithfulness towards future husband
  • Protection of women from suspicions and disgrace
  • Initiation ritual


        Tools used in female genital mutilation (when not conducted by a doctor or medical professional in a sterile environment) include razor blades, scissors, kitchen knives, shards of glass, sharpened rocks, and finger nails.

        When the genitals have been removed and what is left is being sewn back together, often thorns, catgut, and simple thread are used to hold it together. 

        The younger a girl is when she has the procedure done, the harder it is for a non-medical professional to differentiate between the parts due to the lack of maturity of the female genitalia at the time. 

        There is rarely any form of anesthesia or medication to ease the pain used during the procedure.  Girls are wide awake, naked, and held down on a floor or stool by several other grown women.  Despite her screams and crying, the procedure will continue until the job is done.  When a girl faints, pepper spices are held under her nose to wake her back up.  It has happened many times that a young girl has bit her tongue off during the procedure when she was suffering from pain and convulsions.

        After the procedure is complete, girls often have a tight bandage wrapped around them from their hips to their thighs to keep their legs held tightly together to allow the wound to "heal".   